
Peer Support Groups

Peer support groups provide the opportunity to share ideas, information, and coping methods with others dealing with the experience of stroke. Both stroke survivors and their care partners can benefit from these groups.

The Alexandria Area Life After Stroke Support Group was active at Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital (Alexandria). The group is on hold at this time.

Cornwall & Area Stroke Survivors Support Group: located in Cornwall, Ontario. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month from February to November and run from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.  The location is the Benson Centre, 800 Seventh St. West, Cornwall in the MacEwen Room.    This facility is wheelchair accessible, has an elevator, and Cornwall Handi-Transit will drop people off. Contact Deena Dufresne at 613-936-8784 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details. 

Ottawa Stroke Support Group: is a new group facilitated by March of Dimes Canada. The aim is to meet in person monthly on the last Tuesday of each month from 1:00-3:00 pm for casual conversation. Get to know others impacted by stroke and share experiences. Please see the March of Dimes website for more information and to register.

Support Group for Younger Stroke Survivors is a support group for people under 65 who have had a stroke.  They meet virtually by Zoom every second Tuesday from 10:00-11:30 am. They are based out of Belleville but Champlain residents are welcome. Call 613-969-0130 for more information or see the attached flyer. 


Aphasia Centre of Ottawa

Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder. A person with aphasia may find it difficult to speak, understand spoken words, read, and/or write.

The Aphasia Centre of Ottawa is a community-based centre providing unique services dedicated to long-term speech-language therapy, counselling, advocacy and empowerment for people with aphasia and their families.

Aphasia can happen at any age. Aphasia is often invisible. People with aphasia are intelligent and capable and need to be heard.  See the website for information on their programs and services.


Community Exercise Classes

*NEW in-person classes begin in Ottawa in November 2024!  Virtual classes continue as well.  This free program includes aerobic exercise, balance, strengthening and stretching components. Exercises can be modified for sitting or standing. All fitness levels welcome! This is a collaborative effort by Family Physiotherapy, Heart Wise Exercise at the Ottawa Heart Institute and the Champlain Regional Stroke Network, funded through Ontario Health at Home. See the flyer for more information on how to join or watch our introductory video


Champlain Community Support Network 

Champlain Community Support Network is a bilingual network of non-profit agencies that offer support to older adults and adults with disabilities, enabling them to live safely and independently at home. CCSN’s online platform offers a simple way to access local community support services. Refer yourself or a loved one, or work with your health care provider to connect with the services you need. Many of the services offered are appropriate for stroke survivors and their loved ones who provide care. Visit to learn more about community support services available and to get connected with the agency nearest you.


City of Ottawa - Acquired Brain Injury/Post-Stroke Program

The City of Ottawa Acquired Brain Injury/Post-Stroke Program has developed a therapeutic recreation and life skills day program. Participants have an opportunity to work on meaningful goals through social, physical, and cognitive activities. Programs run from August through to June on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. The cost is pro-rated when you join. See the flyer for more information


Cornwall Brain Injury/Post-Stroke Day Program

The Vista Centre Day Program (VCDP) in Cornwall Ontario is a social leisure program where participants spend the day in a safe environment, under staff’s guidance, participants develop leisure lifestyle skills, find activities in the community, improve self-esteem, and develop social relationships. Programs run Monday through Thursday from 9:30am - 2:30pm. Read more details about the program here.


Community of Survivors

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada's Community of Survivors is made up of two Facebook groups: one for those who are living with the effects of heart disease or stroke and the other for their care supporters.  These are members-only groups that provide people with a safe and respectful place to share experiences and to support one another. Find out more at the Power of Community webpage


Connected Canadians

Connected Canadians is a national non-profit organization connecting older adults with technology training and support. Volunteers with a high comfort level in technology are paired with senior clients. Working side-by-side, either one-on-one or in group workshops, they tackle clients’ various technology challenges, frequently learning together in real time. Learn how to access this free support to help you navigate an increasingly virtual world. 


EnableME - Stroke Foundation of Australia

EnableME, created by the Stroke Foundation of Australia, is a website dedicated to stroke recovery and support. See tips, tricks, and tools that have been shared by other stroke survivors. There is also a Community Forum for discussion. Visit the Stroke Foundation website to learn more. 


March of Dimes - After Stroke Program

After Stroke is a personalized stroke recovery program that helps survivors and their families navigate the path forward after a stroke. If you’re impacted by stroke, we’re here to help. Call the After Stroke Program Stroke Support line at 1-888-540-6666 and your call will be returned within 3 business days or connect with the After Stroke program online

The After Stroke program also offers several online peer support groups including 'Stroke Community Conversation' and 'Young Stroke Survivor groups'. Registration is required. Find out more on the March of Dimes website.  


March of Dimes - Hospital Peer Connections

In Fall 2024, March of Dimes Canada partnered with the Ottawa Hospital, Bruyere Health, Pembroke Regional Hospital, and Cornwall Community Hospital to launch its Hospital Peer Connections program. This program is for stroke survivors recovering in hospital. If you are a patient or caregiver wishing a peer visit, please see your stroke unit leader. If you are a person with lived experience of stroke, or a caregiver of someone who has had a stroke and you would like to volunteer, click here for more information.


Mental Health Support - AccessMHA

AccessMHA makes it easier to help find mental health and/or substance use health support, services, and care in Eastern Ontario.  After reaching out to them, you will be paired with a trained mental health professional who will connect you to the services you need from a network of partner organizations.  Connect with AccessMHA now or read more about other mental health resources


Mental Health Support - Counselling Connect

Counselling Connect provides free access to a same-day or next-day phone or video-counseling session. This service is for children, youth, adults and families in Ottawa and the surrounding area. Click here to book a session


Mental Health Support - Mind Beacon

MindBeacon provides guided Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with a dedicated therapist. Find out more


Mental Health Support - Ottawa Public Health

Ottawa Public Health can help connect individuals to mental health, addictions, and substance use health support and services. Click here for a listing of some of the Mental Health Resources available to you.


Ontario Caregiver Organization

If you support someone in need and feel anxious and overwhelmed with your caregiving responsibilities, you’re not alone. The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) exists to support Ontario’s 4 million caregivers; ordinary people who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour. Visit the website to learn about their programs and services.  


Seniors' Centre Without Walls

Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) is a free interactive telephone-based program that connects seniors 55+, as well as adults 18+ with disabilities. Using group telephone calls, SCWW provides a rich line-up of health-related information from professionals in the community, later-life learning opportunities, participation in brain-stimulating activities, and most of all, the space to create meaningful friendships and community for those who may feel isolated. It is a seniors’ centre from the comfort of home! See the schedule of events for January to April, 2025


Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada (VLRC)

Approximately 1/3 of stroke survivors will have some loss of vision or loss of part of what they see when their eyes are in one position (e.g. looking straight ahead). If you or someone you love has experienced blindness or vision loss, VLRC can help you accomplish daily living activities safely and with confidence.  Find out more.

(Vision Loss Rehabilitation does not provide rehabilitation services in the province of Quebec at this time)

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