There are many videos and publications about stroke care available online. Below are some of the resources that we recommend.  


Acute Stroke Treatment

© Medtronic, Inc. 

The Aphasia Institute

The Aphasia Institute has a long tradition of developing innovative ways to help healthcare professionals and the public better understand aphasia. They are proud to share their latest video, created with social impact agency Public Inc. View the video 

People with aphasia know more than they can say. Learn some conversation basics for talking to your family member or friend with aphasia. And see the additional tools that can help you communicate if you, a friend, or family member has aphasia.

CanStroke Recovery Trials

CanStroke Recovery Trials is the world’s first clinical trial platform dedicated exclusively to stroke recovery.  CanStroke has the infrastructure to quickly and efficiently run stroke recovery trials across Canada.  

View the video series here

Home Blood Pressure Part 1 - Buying a Home Blood Pressure Monitor

This video, created by the Champlain Regional Stroke Network, provides information in regards to purchasing a blood pressure monitor for home use. View the video here.

Home Blood Pressure part 2 - How to Use a Home Blood Pressure Monitor

This video, developed by the Champlain Regional Stroke Network, provides information regarding proper home blood pressure monitoring. View the video here.


Don't Drive, Call 9-1-1

Lifesaving Treatment Begins the Second you call 9-1-1

 When someone is having a stroke, every second counts. If you recognize any of the signs, call 9-1-1 immediately. An ambulance will get you to the best hospital for stroke care. Don’t wait, and don’t drive to the hospital. Learn the signs. Act FAST. 

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada 2021

Handwashing Technique
Practical Post-Stroke Tutorials for Communication Support

“How to enhance conversations when the person you care about has communication deficits”   

The Champlain Regional Stroke Network, the Aphasia Centre of Ottawa and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. 

Orientation to Stroke Rehabilitation at Bruyère
This video is intended to introduce new patients and families to Bruyère, the stroke rehab unit, and to the philosophy of rehabilitation. After watching the video, patients and families will have a better understanding of what to expect when they begin their stroke rehab journey at Bruyère.
Bruyère Continuing Care
Personal Care

Helpful hints and videos on personal care, from how to make dressing easier, to lists of items to keep in the bathroom and shower area.  

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Shoulder Pain

Life after Stroke: Avoid or Reduce Shoulder Pain
Lakeridge Health, Durham, Ontario
Heart and Stroke Foundation Webinars


Heart and Stroke Foundation has several YouTube channels with helpful videos. Their Living With Stroke video series includes information from various professionals that may be part of the care team, along with stroke survivor stories. The Heart & Stroke Presents series has longer webinars on a variety of heart and stroke topics.  

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada

Stroke and Your Recovery Video Series

This educational video series developed by health care experts, patients and caregivers, is designed to support you in the recovery journey and provide practical advice you can refer to.  

Sinai Health System, Toronto

Stroke Awareness Video

Watch a 2-minute video message on stroke awareness brought to you by the CRSN team in English and French

Stroke Guides                                            


Aerobic Exercise after Stroke - Patient's Guide

Improving physical and cognitive recovery with aerobic exercise.

Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery

Driving After a Stroke in Ontario
Driving After a TIA in Ontario

These patient-focused resources guide the stroke survivor's return to driving following their stroke. They are intended for use by both health care providers (to help guide the return to driving conversation) and patients (by demystifying the return to driving process). The appendixes provide additional information and aphasia-friendly flow charts to simplify this journey. The booklets are available in several languages.

Stroke Booklets:  Arabic, Dutch, English French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Southwestern Ontario Stroke Network

Guide to Virtual Creative Engagement for Older Adults  

The Virtual Creative Engagement Guide features a curated list of free virtual services appropriate for older adults with various health conditions and ability levels. It can help LTC teams address the under-stimulation and loneliness felt by residents from pandemic restrictions.

The Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI)

Indigenous Resources - Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle 

Stroke shares many risk factors with diabetes and the conditions have a number of prevention strategies in common.  The Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle (IDHC) strives to reduce the impact of diabetes in the Indigenous community by promoting holistic wellness models, building on traditional teachings and best practices to develop and provide programs, education and resources, and by building relationships and community capacity.  Health resources are available at the IDHC website. 

Indigenous Resources - The Wabano Centre Ottawa

The Wabano Centre in Ottawa provides healthcare services from an Indigenous perspective and offers a variety of indigenous health promotion resources. The Centre strives to practice holistic health, including four aspects of wellbeing: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. More information is available on the Wabano Centre website.

Intimacy and Sex after Stroke

Do you have questions about intimacy and sex after stroke? See these frequently asked questions with answers from The Toronto Rehabiliation Institute.Other resources include  information on the impact of stroke medications on sexual function, and comfortable and supportive positions to use after stroke. Ask your healthcare team if you would like more information on your sexual health after stroke. Want help to find a certified sex therapist near you? Go to:

Rehabilitation and Recovery Tips

Rehabilitation is a process to help you recover as many abilities as possible. This recovery is personal and will be different for every individual. See the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada's Stroke Recovery and Support page.  You can also view the Canadian Stroke Best Practices infographic on Rehabilitation and Recovery.

Heart and Stroke Foundation 

Return to Work Program

The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) is excited to announce that they are embarking on a journey to help improve return to work outcomes after a brain injury like stroke. Over the next three years, OBIA will work with employers and employees to facilitate the return to work process. This is a free service covering those returning to their pre-stroke place of work.  Find out more here.

The Ontario Brain Injury Association

Return to Work Resources

Resources include a return to work self-assessment guide which focuses on individual recovery efforts and provides information about one's ability or readiness to return to work. You will also find information about financial supports (Ontario, Canada), and volunteering after stroke.

In addition, visit the Ontario Brain Injury Association's website to read more about the return to work process.

Southwestern Ontario Stroke Network and Ontario Brain Injury Association

Stroke Engine

This site reviews over 90 assessment tools useful in stroke rehabilitation. It also includes online educational modules with practical information. 

The Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery

Stroke in Young Adults: A Resource for Patients and Families

This booklet is for young adults, their families and caregivers. It is intended to complement other stroke resources.

Heart and Stroke Foundation

Transitions and Community Participation Tips

The term 'transitions of care' refers to the movement of people across various healthcare locations, settings, and providers. Community is the physicial and social environment where individuals may live after a stroke.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation 

Your Stroke Journey

This guidebook was created for adults who have had a stroke.  Caregivers, family members and friends may also find helpful strategies to support loved ones in their recovery and return to daily life. 

Heart and Stroke Foundation

Virtual (online) Healthcare Sessions

Currently, many health appointments are being offered online and not in person. This guide will help you make the most of that time.

Heart and Stroke Foundation

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