Hospital Peer Connections now in Champlain
The CRSN has partnered with March of Dimes Canada and has launched an in-hospital peer support program called Hospital Peer Connections in the Champlain region! We are looking for volunteers who are stroke survivors or caregivers of someone who has had a stroke. We need volunteers from the Ottawa, Cornwall, and Pembroke areas.
Volunteers will:
- Receive training from March of Dimes Canada
- Have an opportunity to share their stories of recovery
- Use experiences to positively impact the lives of others
- Receive access to stroke-friendly community resources, events and more
For more information contact:
Michelle Foster, Coordinator, Volunteer Engagement
T: 705-627-7831
Email: mfoster@marchofdimes.ca or volunteer@marchofdimes.ca
Feel free to share the information flyer with anyone who may be interested