Events Calendar

Stroke in Young Adults
Wednesday 05 May 2021, 08:00am - 09:00am
Hits : 1311
Provincial Stroke Rounds
Stroke in Young Adults: Patient-Reported Outcomes and Psychosocial Needs
May 5, 2021, 0800-0900h EST

Dr_Pikula.png  Dr. Aleksandra Pikula, BSc. (Hon), MD, Dipl. ABPN (USA)

Assist. Prof. of Medicine (Neurology), U of T Division of Neurology, Stroke Program, UHN/TWH Director, Stroke in Young Adults (SiYA) Program, TWH/MSH Director, Stroke Research Program, UHN Co-Director, Women's Neurology Fellowship, U of T


Upon completion, participants will be able to

1.Identify the current gaps in supporting the needs of young persons with stroke based on available literature
2.Describe the PROMs and psychosocial needs of young persons with stroke through lived-experience
3.Reflect on the next steps to address identified gaps to support the needs of young persons with stroke.  
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