Events Calendar

Atrial Fibrillation webinar
Friday 16 April 2021, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Hits : 2219

HW webinars University of Ottawa Heart Institute presents:

What’s New in the Care and Management of Atrial Fibrillation - a webinar for Patients

For those who are living with Atrial Fibrillation and familiar with the condition, this webinar will provide insight into what is emerging in the research as promising in the care and treatment of this condition. Two patients who are living with Atrial Fibrillation will share their day-to-day strategies and questions. Dr David Birnie will discuss the latest insights gained or being explored through research. (Note: This webinar builds on your knowledge of the condition and the current treatment options.)


  • Ann-Marie Julien, MA, UOHI Patient and UOHI Patient Partner (Volunteer)
  • Stephen Stuart, PhD, UOHI Patient and Board Member of the Patient Alumni Association
  • Dr. David Birnie, Deputy Chief, Division of Cardiology, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine Tier 1 Clinical Research Chair in Cardiac Electrophysiology, BSc (Hons), MB ChB, MRCP(UK)



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