Events Calendar

Communication Support Workshop
Thursday 17 June 2021, 08:30am - 03:00pm
Hits : 1945

comm support 

Communication Support for People with Aphasia - Virtual workshop from 8:30am -3:00pm


Participants will learn about some of the communication disorders that can happen post-stroke and how to apply principles of Communication Support in keeping with the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations

Guided by presentations from:

  • Joanne Winckel, SLP with the Aphasia Centre of Ottawa
  • Karen Mallet, SLP, Best Practice Team for CRSN

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss post-stroke communication disorders
  • Describe the impact of language barriers on communication and interaction
  • Apply basic principles of communication support for people with aphasia
  • Use a pictographic resource
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