Friday 31 January 2025, 12:00pm - 02:00pm
Hits : 500
Navigating Coping Strategies to Promote Mental Health Post Stroke
The Champlain Regional Stroke Network is pleased to announce the webinar Navigating Coping Strategies to Promote Mental Health Post Stroke. This virtual session will take place on Friday, January 31, 2025, from 12:00 - 2:00 pm EST.
Theresa Straathof will be presenting. Theresa is an occupational therapist, working at The Ottawa Hospital in Acute Mental Health. She has written two manuals related to teaching coping strategies. She has presented nationally and internationally on topics related to behaviour activation, coping strategy training, adult learning, and suicide prevention. She is a member of the CAOT network: Addressing Suicide in Occupational Therapy Practice.
Registration is required. Please register at: You will receive the Zoom meeting link upon registration.
Learning objectives - At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
- Distinguish 4 categories of coping and corresponding strategies.
- Identify 3 domains of learning (knowledge, skill, affect)
- Demonstrate Kolb's Adult Learning Model
- Value strategies for relapse prevention (examples: health routines, medication adherence, safety, support)
This event is open to all healthcare professionals within Champlain and from other stroke networks across Ontario.
Please feel free to share the flyer with anyone who may be interested.