Mercredi 24 Février 2021, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Clics : 2848
Spasticity Post-Stroke: Optimizing Identification, Interventions and Outcomes
Join the Champlain Regional Stroke Network for a two-part webinar. You may register for one or both of these sessions.
Part 1 - February 24 from 12-1 presented by Dr. Theodore Wein MD, FRCPC, FAHA
- Clinico-pathophysiology of Spasticity
- Assessing/ defining Spasticity
- Risk factors post stroke
- Focal chemo denervation; pitfalls and localisation
To register for Part 1:
Part 2 - March 10 from 12-1 presented by Dr. P. Winston MD, FRCPC and Dr. Rajiv Reebye MD, FRCPC
- Introduction of the Risk classification system
- Indications for early intervention to facilitate recovery
- Adjunct therapies to optimize outcomes
To register for Part 2:
By the end of the sessions, participants will:
1) Demonstrate an understanding of pathophysiology and risk factors for spasticity post stroke.
2) Demonstrate an awareness of risk classification system and how to apply in practice.
3) Demonstrate an understanding of considerations/ interventions to optimize outcomes.
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