
Sleep & Vascular Health
Mardi 21 Avril 2020, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Clics : 2255
Heart & Stroke knowledge translation for health professionals 
Webinar Invitation
Sleep & Vascular Health


Date Tuesday April 21, 2020

Time 12:00 -13:00 EST Presenters Mark Boulos, MD FRCP(C), CSCN(EEG), MSc Staff Neurologist (Stroke & Sleep), Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Associate Scientist, Sunnybrook Research institute Graduate Faculty, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto

Moderator Patrice Lindsay, RN, PhD Director, Systems Change and Stroke Program, Heart & Stroke

Intended Audience This webinar is intended for all healthcare professionals caring for people with heart conditions, stroke or vascular cognitive impairment across all settings and stages of care; system leaders and funders involved in planning and service delivery; researchers; Heart & Stroke employees; and students from across health-related disciplines. Members of the public, particularly those living or caring for someone with related health conditions, may also find this information helpful.

Language This webinar is scheduled in English and will also be offered in French on May 26. If you are interested in announcements regarding our French language webinars, please join the mailing list at the bottom of this webpage.

Note This is an open invitation and may be forwarded to interested parties.

About this presentation: Sleep health has many important direct and indirect influences on overall health and well-being, including in the physical, mental and cognitive domains. Sleep health is of particular importance in people who have had a stroke, heart conditions and vascular cognitive impairment, both as a risk factor and as a post-event sequelae. This presentation will review the current scientific evidence and clinical approaches to promoting sleep health and managing sleep-related conditions in people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

Learning Objectives
Participants of this program will be able to:
  1. Describe the evidence-based impact of sleep disorders on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.
  2. Outline strategies for assessment of sleep health and sleep disorders.
  3. Identify and apply management strategies to help improve sleep health to lower cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk.
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The webinar will be archived and available for viewing on the CSBPR website .
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