
Aphasia-friendly Toolkit Refresher
Mercredi 11 Septembre 2024, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Clics : 1073

** Please note that this webinar is designed for healthcare providers working in the Champlain Region.  Contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with any questions.

The Champlain Regional Stroke Network welcomes you to the upcoming webinar:

Aphasia-Friendly Materials in Stroke Care – Toolkit Refresher



  1. Refresher on Aphasia Friendly Tools:
    • Review the benefits and key features of Aphasia Friendly tools.
    • Demonstrate how to use the tool effectively.
  2. Share Experiences and Practical Application of the Tools:
    • Discuss challenges and successes encountered while using these tools.
    • Share tips for integrating these tools into daily routines.


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