
Upper Extremity Management Webinar
Mardi 19 Janvier 2021, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Clics : 2473
*Due to high demand, we are currently accepting registrations from healthcare staff in the Champlain Region ONLY.   Please email Laura Dunn at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with your discipline and the name of your site to request the webinar link.
If you already registered from another Region, do not worry, you still have your spot.  We plan on recording the session and will post a link after the event for anyone who was unable to attend.  Thank you for your interest!

Join Champlain Regional Stroke Best Practice team members Dana Guest PT and Kate Charbonneau OT to discuss the 2019 recommendations on the management of the affected upper extremity.

By the end of the session participants will:

  • Demonstrate awareness of best practice recommendations related to upper extremity management post-stroke
  • Describe and discuss the updated recommendations for upper extremity interventions
  • Demonstrate understanding of taping practices to reduce pain in the hemiplegic shoulder

When: Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 from 12-1 pm

Where: This session will be offered via Zoom; a link will be emailed to you upon acceptance.

This session is intended for health care professionals interested in learning recommendations for the management of the affected upper extremity post-stroke. To fully participate in this session participants will need access to a computer with both audio and video capabilities.

We hope you can join us!

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